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  1. P

    Thoughts on the exam

    aaarrrrr i hated question 2... i mean it was a good question but i hate my case study Thucydides... it was such a terrible essay. I basically argued that the opinion in the little extract was wrong because there was never any agreed upon interpratation of Thucydides... ha ha what a shit thesis...
  2. P


    I'd say just get the gist of each. It'll just stress you out trying to read and take in too much info.
  3. P

    I hate thucydidies!!!!

    hey does anyone know where I can get a summary of thucydidies history? Everytime i try to read the actual book i fall asleep. A summary of all the events and issues he talks about will be fantastic!!!!! I anybody knows where i could get one PLEASE tell me! Thank you!!!!