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  1. C

    Section 3

    I did imaginative journeys too... the matrix trilogy, ender's game, puff the magic dragon song lyric and wind in the willows. Did eight pages, and was happy. Question was hard though... never applied imaginative jounreys to "unexpected destinations".
  2. C

    Section 2

    I took the "everywhere he goes people chat to him" quote and ended up writing a story in PRESENT TENSE, which I had never done before. Is that ok? The story was about this guy who wakes up on a beach with all these people around asking who he is and where he's from. he doesnt remember anything...
  3. C

    thesis for journeys

    Thank you so much. I owe you!
  4. C

    thesis for journeys

    Geez, way to totally ignore me every one!
  5. C

    thesis for journeys

    How about... “You take the blue pill, the story ends; you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” This quote from The Matrix cryptically explains what my texts have taught me...
  6. C

    how did you go on your trials?

    Yeah Mine was killer... we did the catholic trial and I got 79 (third in class), but we all found it really hard, and all missed out on like 10 marks coz no one finished. Has anyone else done the catholic?
  7. C

    The 2004 Mathematics HSC Paper - Fatmuscle's Solutions

    Yeah cool was wondering about 2 (vii) coz I kept gettin (2,6) too, but all sorted. Thanks a bunch anyway.... I wish worked solutions to all papers were available like this.... Cheers