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  1. M

    Who got a sh*t uai? Cmon share your pain

    Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain I think your all winging way to much.... i got 38.20 nd my best friend got 32.80 but she got into UNE anyway so hopefully ill get into scu Go the shithouse marks
  2. M

    French begginners!! Final Exam tomorrow!!!

    So one more sleep to go till we sit the final exam!!! whos got sites that can help with grammar and listening?? i have a few this audio book goes through some of the basic topics like travel shopping and meeting new people...
  3. M

    to speak or not to speak

    This is an old issue but im really bored!!! There is no way talking about Italy could be bad for your marks!! the markers arent allowed to be biased anyway all exams go through at least two people to get marked.... My teacher said to me make it up it doesnt matter if its true... if it shows of...
  4. M

    Italian Beginners Speaking HSC, How Did You Go?

    I was stumped by question three, it was open answer but i had not even thought about that subject coming into the exam.... as for the marks we get told one mark or percentage... you dont find out what section you did better in or watever!! Bouna fourtuna a tutti per gli esami leggere...
  5. M

    Comments on Trial Exams. Begginers, Continuers and Extention

    Today I did my Trial exams heres my thoughts the listening exam was set in 1995???? If you do Italian through distance ed. Like me... you will benefit from going through sets 47-53 invaluable to your exams!! Speaking.... well im not the best at it!! as soon as i opened the paper i knew what i...
  6. M

    Italian Beginners!! Dove siete?!

    Salve a tutti! who know and who can explain to proply what the heck a freakin Gerund is!!!! Yeah yr12 italian is easier!! i love it and wish it was the only thing i had to pay attention to!! it helps too if you can find a native speaker to befriend!! they make it soo much easier to take in...