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  1. unistudent

    The Amazing Race 9

    yeah but thats good. the episodes i hate the most, is where everyone stays in the same position that they started in, and the people who start last, finish last, without seeing any other teams for the whole of the race.
  2. unistudent

    Lost Season 2 (Australian tv followers - no spoilers)

    the woman who drowned back in season 1 is joanna. i think her only significance is that kate was able to try and steal her identity. the woman who mysteriously disappered just recently is cindy. shes the one who was hanging out with ana-lucia and the rest of the tail section. she has an...
  3. unistudent

    Recommendations for a resturant?

    ribs and rump. theres one at Gordon. i think theres another one too.. look at the website
  4. unistudent


    those mahjong tiles are so noisy too when shuffling.
  5. unistudent

    North Shore

    yeah but why'd they call her taylor for? didnt sound very superstar. i keep thinking that jason somehow didnt die.. but, he was in the car, and it blew up. theres not many other options than death lol. starting to like tessa more and more each episode.
  6. unistudent

    The Amazing Race 9

    not always. but there was on like 2 seasons ago. Jonathan and Victoria... lol. Jonathan = worse than Lake
  7. unistudent

    North Shore

    mj's dad is a kunt. what a loser.
  8. unistudent

    The Amazing Race 9

    what's so bad abt the old couple? besides being boring ahah wasnt it the mother/daughter team who was leading the girls round in circles?
  9. unistudent

    North Shore

    jason and nicole. frankie is way too cool for tessa. and chris and mj never seemed right for eachother from the start. they never trust eachother ahah
  10. unistudent

    BMW or MERC?

    AUDI!!!! but on the bmw vs merc issue, merc for sure.
  11. unistudent

    The Amazing Race 9

    i think his name was freddy. i hope the geeky team can win this season. altho the preview they gave on last weeks show showed the girl struggling with some task.
  12. unistudent

    Omg!!!! Have You Seen The New Building 4!!!!!

    im in building 4 for everything but 2 tutorials and 1 lecture. i like building 4 computer labs the best.
  13. unistudent

    Todays Power outage

    lighting is not the only issue. when there is not sufficient power there may be problems with other parts of the building which could interfere with like lifts, and emergency water supplies if there was a fire. so thats why everyone was evacuated.. i think.
  14. unistudent

    difference between Chem 1C and Chem 1A?

    i do Chem 1C and the other day we had a quiz during our lab. it said quiz for Chem 1C and 1A. so is there a difference?
  15. unistudent

    Todays Power outage

    i was at markets. no power outtage for me xD
  16. unistudent

    iPOD question

    thanks this was helpful. but what do you mean by "you can still transfer music from cd's, but you gotto use itunes to import songs and place them into the ipod." is that like, you use itunes to copy (or import) the songs from the cd and then onto the ipod? also where do we get itunes? do...
  17. unistudent

    1st Year Thread

    yeah. what we are learning now is basically an extension on prelim stuff. but in prelim, we learnt it slowly. at uni its rushed, so i can see why ppl who didnt do econ would struggle.
  18. unistudent

    iPOD question

    hi i have an older creative mp3 player that just broke last week. anyway, with this one i would copy songs from cd's onto my computer and then transfer them to the creative mp3 player. im thinking of getting an ipod nano or shuffle now but on the official iPOD site i keep reading about how...
  19. unistudent

    1st Year Thread

    did you do econ in hsc? post your question i'll see if i can help.
  20. unistudent

    The Amazing Race 9

    that old couple confuses me. they always go on about how their advantage is their mind, but they made really bad decision going to the motorcycle place and couldnt even find the cluebox.