Search results

  1. M

    comm/law at USYD or UNSW?

    it's 4th of January, and I still cannot make up my mind about which uni or even which course to go to. But one of the major problem i have right now, is whether to go USYD or UNSW for comm/law, I know USYD has a very very prestigious law faculty and UNSW has a very very good business faculty so...
  2. M

    Does anyone hav the top school ranking from SMH

    :santa: Does anyone hav the top school rankin from SMH ? Many people said it is very different from the rankings in Daily telegraph, i didn't hav the chance to read the paper today. If anyone has it, please post! THANK U
  3. M

    allo everyone~~ i hav a veri veri important question to ask.....wud any of u recommend a friend to change school in yr 11, as in doin yr 12 in another school.......well, from a top 10 selective school to north sydney??.....plz help ... urgent:confused:
  4. M

    dyin for help!!!

    i know its the second term alreadi, and i realli need to make up my mind, i need to drop a subject btw ancient and geo, i hav the same interest to both, with nearly the same level of skills, i've done two or three assessments for a.h alreadi, and 1 or 2 for geo, i'm an arts person, so i'm...