Search results

  1. T

    University Council & Academic Senate Elections

    Please vote in the University Council & Academic Senate Elections. You will get your voting papers in the mail this week. I am giving full support to the following candidates: • Adam Achterstraat (University Council) • Phil Betts (Academic Senate, Post-Grad) • Tim Hendry (Academic Senate...
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    Bicycle Network Everyone should have received the email about the bike network. BoG are asking for submissions. Perhaps we should all send in emails suggesting that the Wally Walk (the contruction work going from one end of uni to the other) be...
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    Week 2 Lachlan Review

    Hey guys, Week 2 of the LachRev is available to download from There's an ad for IMBG (just for you nd!). Anyway - would love feedback + photos from the photo club. Ppl can write short articles (300-500words), send club ads etc. All free!!!!
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    Lachlan Review Online Discussion Thread

    Hi there, it's the Historian branching across from the 180 discussion board. With rumours that the 180 site is facing extinction - I thought i better visit a new discussion board. So here I am. But hey, I couldn't avoid taking the opportunity for a free plug. The Lachlan Review weekly...