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  1. ilovesmiles

    help- quick!

    hey ive got this past paper with me... except i have no idea how to 'tackle' the question.. do u rkn u cud sorta give me some kinda idea how to? hmm heres the q. 1) Leave a note for ur brother/sister asking him/her to videotape a program that will be on while you are out. give details...
  2. ilovesmiles

    Past Papers

    Hey does anyone of u have past 2uhsc papers on ur comp that ud like to mail me? pleeeeese? cos yeah i really need to revise badly on trig stuff and logs and locus etccccccc so yeah if u have one could u plz kindly mail it to me :) pretty plese with cherries on top? thankx-- ;)...
  3. ilovesmiles

    Italian... good scaling?

    is italian good scaling in the HSC???
  4. ilovesmiles

    Beginners Italian..

    Ciao~ Mi chiamo Bianca... e non sono brava in italiano.. vuole aiutare con la mia gramatica? perche e TROPPO MALE!!! Ho l'esame per ascoltare a domani... ho paura degli esami perche e molto 'stressful' mi dispiace non lo so come si dice 'stressful'... ci vediamo a domani mi...