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  1. S

    need a program to solve *big* nasty integrals, + 1000 other thigns? try maple

    for those who need help with big integrals, try maple edit: seems alot of people here know maple... we didnt. oh well anyway for those who dont know about it, its from and its a great program. will do almost anything, and will give you a solution in terms of x etc, not just a...
  2. S

    need text books, whats some good ones?

    due to my predicted 20% in three unit and 80% in four unit, i need to start studying for 3unit, so give me ideas for good books. i seen the cambridge one but i didnt like it much, the fitzpatrick one is orite but anything that will hammer 3unit into my brain so i can focus on 4 unit is what im...
  3. S


    what the hell "is" a paradigm????????? i hate this course and the crappy software names and shit.. for christ sake i know php and c to a certain extent, and with vb anything can be done... and yet i haev to know wtf a paradigm is............................................... (shakes his head)
  4. S

    conics question

    hey due to my time wasting in assorted activities (setting up servers with j0n :D ) i am now lost to a certain degree, so full steam ahead say we have 2 points P (aCos , bSin ) and Q (aCos -, bSin -) and the ellipse x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1 we want to see if PQ passes through (0,0)...