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  1. M


    Is there any C++ subject offered in UNSW at all? All I heard is that first year computing teaches haskell and C, and the later years subject look more like building a computer than computer programming.
  2. M

    GENS4001 Astronomy

    Who done this before? Is attending lectures compulsory, like is there online lecture slides and course materials that we can buy so we can skip going to lectures? How is the course structured, whats the exams like, or is there any exams at all? Thanks.
  3. M

    FINS1613 - Business Finance

    Who has done this last session? How did you find it? Can you give me some tips on what and how to study for it (e.g. what's the most important concept to understand, what key issues to memorize, what's the exams structured like, ect). Any advises would be great. Thank you kindly.
  4. M

    General Education question

    Does general education subjects count to WAM? And if it does, are general education subjects easy to get high marks in compared to normal subjects? Thanks.