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    transferring from comp eng to comp sci question

    when transferring from comp eng to comp sci is it possible to have subjects that were done in comp eng that could count as electives in comp sci not count in order to have a better academic record? thanks in adv to anyone that can help
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    linux & windows problem

    i recently installed linux and windows and was wondering if i wanted to uninstall linux later on by deleting its partitions, would it stop me from being able to boot into windows. if so, how could i fix it. thanks in adv to anyone that can help
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    summer session

    does anyone know if its possible to apply for the summer session through my.unsw? thanks in adv to anyone that can help
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    linux and windows on separate hard drives

    was wondering if it was possible to have 2 hard drives connected at the same time as master and to set it so the computer only thinks 1 is connected at a time, and can only write to that one for example, having a hard drive with win xp and another with linux connected both as master set up so...
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    apprentice contestant tied to killer of two in oregon
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    need help with math1241 questions

    determine the convergence or divergence of Σa<sub>n</sub> for the following a<sub>n</sub>: thanks in adv to anyone that can help
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    need north shore tutoring contact details

    does anyone know what north shore tutoring's website or phone number is? thanks in adv to anyone that can help
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    another question about employment for comp sci

    was just wondering about which jobs would use both maths and computing. on it had this: does anyone know where i could find out what subjects i would have to do in a comp sci/maths degree to be able to get a job in this...
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    summer session

    does anyone know how to enrol for the summer session thanks in adv to anyone that can help
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    challenging integration question

    this integration question was covered in my tut this morning, its a very interesting question and only requires 3/4u integration techniques however, solving it does require creativity: lets see if anyone can beat FinalFantasy to the solution!
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    need help with math1241 q

    does anyone know how to do question 10 part c from the calculus booklet: thanks in advance to anyone that can help
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    question about ms virtual pc

    just wondering, if i set up a virtual pc and get a virus on it, can the virus get out of the virtual hard drive file and infect the computer?
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    parking at gates 11 & 14 closed

    hey, does anyone know why the uni is preventing students parking at gates 11 and 14? all of last week, there were security people blocking the entrance saying there were no spaces left when there were plenty visible on the top level
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    phys1231 syllabus

    does anyone know what the first topics are in phys1231 i missed the first 2 lectures (i was trying to find a parking space without a 1hr limit, lol)
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    careers for comp sci

    just wondering, what is employment like at the moment for comp sci graduates?
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    lecture notes

    does anyone know where u can download the lecture notes for ELEC1011 and the calculus part of MATH1241? thanks in advance to anyone that can help
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    faulty hard drive

    ive been having some problems with my comps hard drive and was wondering if i replaced it is there any way to automatically transfer everything over so i dont have to reinstall windows and its programs? thanks in advance to anyone that can help