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  1. F

    Work ang Energy problem

    Work and Energy problem Hi. Could someone please help me with a problem. It goes like this... Solve Using the concepts of Work and Energy only (no Newtons laws, i.e forces and accelerations). A 5.0kg mass, set sliding across a horizontal surface, then slides up a 30 degree slope. Initially...
  2. F

    Sorts/Searches in the exam

    Previously Ive been asked to right pseudocode for finding the max/min in arrays (half yearly) and for a binary search (trials), but in regards to sort (Bubble, insertion, selection) algorithms the most Ive been required to do is identify what type of sort algorithm they have given us. How likely...
  3. F

    Roman women

    Does anyone have any notes or essay plans on Roman Women and Roman Economy . I went to Uni library and couldn't find jack on the economy and only a bit on the women so if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated. I'll trade you my notes if it makes you feel any better. btw this isn't...