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  1. W

    ELATION - Harbour Cruise

    Hey everyone, You may have seen our posters around your uni or you might not have, but either way... This is an invitation for you all to join us on July 8th, to chill and wind down at the end of semester, whilst cruising around Sydney Harbour. Time?? 7:30pm - 11:30pm Alcohol?? There...
  2. W

    ELATION - Harbour Cruise

    Hey everyone, You may have seen our posters around your uni or you might not have, but either way... This is an invitation for you all to join us on July 8th, to chill and wind down at the end of semester, whilst cruising around Sydney Harbour. Time?? 7:30pm - 11:30pm Alcohol?? There...
  3. W

    ELATION - Harbour Cruise

    Hey everyone, You may have seen our posters around your uni or you might not have, but either way... This is an invitation for you all to join us on July 8th, to chill and wind down at the end of semester, whilst cruising around Sydney Harbour. Time?? 7:30pm - 11:30pm Alcohol?? There...
  4. W

    ELATION - Harbour Cruise

    Hey everyone, You may have seen our posters around your uni or you might not have, but either way... This is an invitation for you all to join us on July 8th, to chill and wind down at the end of semester, whilst cruising around Sydney Harbour. Time?? 7:30pm - 11:30pm Alcohol?? There...
  5. W

    Invitation to ELATION - the BIZCUTS cruise

    Hey everyone, You may have seen our posters around the uni, you may even have been handed our flyer by one of our friendly committee or been present when lecture announcements were made about it... This is an invitation for you all to join us on July 8th, to chill and wind down after...
  6. W

    Invitation to ELATION - the Bizcuts cruise

    Hey everyone, You may have seen our posters around the uni, you may even have been handed our flyer by one of our friendly committee or been present when lecture announcements were made about it... This is an invitation for you all to join us on July 8th, to chill and wind down after...