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  1. G-unit Gorilla

    Phil Gould

    I wish i could make a hate smear campaign against this unbelievably ugly prick...seriously does anyone else hate him as much as I do? I mute the footy now cause i cant stand his voice or stupid obvious comments..anyone watch the panthers game today, when they were talking about the fans banging...
  2. G-unit Gorilla

    Hardcore - music event

    Hey has anyone on here heard of 'Hardcore', its a music event/festival where unheard of hardcore punk/metal bands play. Its in Sydney apparently in even $20. Sorry i have fuck all info i just thought some people may have been to it before.
  3. G-unit Gorilla


    I think a few people would of heard of this book, really good book, similiar to Lord of the Rings, just wondering if anyone had anynews on the second book? Havent been able to find anything
  4. G-unit Gorilla

    The Ring 2 (merged)

    Ring/Ring 2 Anyone seen the new preview for the Ring 2?, comes out in March looks really good if you liked the first....anyone planning on seeing it?, anyone liked the first one?
  5. G-unit Gorilla

    Joel Turner Bad Boy 4 Life

    Ok, seriously are there any Joel Turner fans in existence? I really want to know if anyone on the planet can honestly find his latest song 'cool' hahahaha especially the awesome mundene cameo.