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  1. G

    Speed the Plow

    Does anyone have any notes on Speed the plow? willing to trade for Brumby Innes and Summer of the Seventeenth Doll
  2. G

    Frat Party and Crown Inn Ball

    Really need help! been given a three minute speech and the Question is How has your scene from Austin's Emma been transformed by Heckerling in Clueless? and I have to focus on the context, transformation of values, tramsformation of issues, transformation of plot and tansformation of...
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    Just wondering how many people are doing 5 units of history?
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    Help with contacts!

    I really need to get in touch with an author, Jane Dunn who wrote Elizabeth and Mary, cousins rivals queens. I've looked in the book and all i have is the web address of HarperCollins publishers (which I have tried looking into! NO HELP!) if anyone has any idea on how to get emails please let...
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    The cult of personality HELP!

    I'm writing a speech on the Stalin Cult and its relationship with Stalin. If anyone has any information It would be greatly appreciated!
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    Please HELP!!!!

    I have a speech due in a couple of weeks, and its on the creation of the Stalin Cult and the link it has with Stalin... I have found no information at all! any information would be great!
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    Elizabeth and Queen Mary of Scots

    Hey all, for my extention project I have decided to ask a question that looks at the throne and who it really belongs to whether Queen Elizabeth or Mary of Scots. Does anyone has any ideas on where I should take this question?
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    hey, if anyone could please suggest a few good monologues i would be grateful. My last assessment I did Nina from the Seagull by Chekov and totally bummed in it!
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    Assessment task

    Hey I recieved this essay to do over the summer holidays which i find totally cruel and i am totally stumped on what i should include in my essay. The question is "Our emerging cultural identity sharpened significantly during the 1920's to 1950's and the contribution of our playwrights was...
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    The Pope's note

    Hey Guys, I recently got an assignment on the Paris Peace Conference and completly bummed in it to my dismay. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could explain the impacts that the Paple peace note had on the peace making efforts