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  1. S

    What to do???

    I finished school last year and my UAI was like 47. So obviously I missed out on any course at UNI. Im currently doing ANIMAL STUDIES at TAFE. But im still interested in doing ANIMAL SCIENCE at UWS. Can anyone help me with some information about achieving my goals? Is it possible to do UNITRACK...
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    Animal Science

    Just wondering if anyone does B. Animal science at Hawkesbury campus? Im looking at doing that course for 2006 and would like to know about more about it? Like how much practical work with animals is in the course? What type of jobs can you gain by doing this course ? How are you finding the...
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    Can someone put my mind on ease, im having some sort of trouble with my bf..... just the other week he was all mushy and saying he loves me and stuff and everything was going fine and i explained to him why i couldnt say i love you back, i didnt say it cause i didnt feel ready at the time...
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    HELP..... Please......!

    Can someone please help me with these areas for my assessment, even references to any books would be appreciated * Synthetic biopolymer production * Commercial fermentation of biomass (flow chart needed) * Ethanol as an alternative fuel Thankz
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    Help Needed With Related Text

    Can someone help me with finding some related text and no i dont want a whole list on movies since i already have chosen a movie and need a variety of texts, so i need either a picture, short story, poem, lyrics, etc......! It needs to relate to physical journey....!
  6. S

    Help Needed with Case Studies

    I need help with my business assessment for Business Management and Change, I need 3 case studies.......! Ive tried to look for the some myself and only come up with 1 (the IMAX).....! I need at least 2 more to finish my assessment.....! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP......!