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  1. AmericanGirl213

    Quick Question (sorry if its already been answered in another thread!)

    Although I am pretty much a little above average student, I didnt do too well I've got my trial's and...althought I know I'm passing them, I don't think I'm getting more then about 70% in any of them. If I kill the HSC, is there still hope for me to get into uni? (I've been looking at...
  2. AmericanGirl213

    Posting Trial Questions

    Anyone that has already had their Ancient History Trials...Post the questions (if you know them) if you feel like helping the rest of us out!! I see alot of people have posted questions already... why not post them all on one thread here?
  3. AmericanGirl213

    King Lear is Killing me!

    Does anyone have any critical work on King lear in relationto a family drama reading?! I have looked at Sydney Uni's library and they didnt have anything and the due date for the assignment is getting closer! The internet is giving me too much (unless Im looking in the wrong places?!) Someone...
  4. AmericanGirl213

    The Multiplier re:Economic Growth!

    Okay I am SO stuck on this!!!!! Can someone PLEASE explain to me this whole concept!!! Its the only thing Im stuck on and its killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:chainsaw: