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  1. C

    enrollment for 2nd, 3rd yrs etc

    does anyone know when enrollment letters come out for 2nd, 3rd yrs etc? thanks
  2. C

    excel graphs - how do i make range bars?

    does neone know how to add range bars to ur existing line graph? what EXACTLY do i hav to pretty slow when it comes to computer stuff... thanks!
  3. C

    whats this movie?

    its really bugging me... theres this school where ppl audition to get in and they sing, dance etc to get in...its an old an 80's or early 90's movie...its was on tv a few months ago and the names flashdance and dirty dancing come to mind, but there not it thankyu!
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    ripping cd's a total noob when it comes to computers and imagine everyones sheer delight when i got an mp3 player and started asking all these annoying q's :p so yeah neways i asked my friend if there was ne way to convert cd's to mp3 format so i can play them on my mp3 player...and he sed...
  5. C

    the spiderman 2 song

    what is it??? i really like it but i cant seem to find out what its called
  6. C

    what do u do when the one u like, likes someone else?

    do u... a) avoid them and hope that the feeling passes b) spend more time with them, in the hope that they will "come to there senses" also consider...if they have liked u in the past but u rejected them flat out, could their feelings for u resurface? or because uve rejected them (more than...
  7. C

    acct 1001 practice set

    how is everyone going with theres? i just started yesterday and for some reason i dont think im gonna get it done...but neways what step r u guys up to? and b4 they list the transactions it sez "the transactions for tigres tiles...blah blah...prior to recording transactions u should confirm...
  8. C

    science (nutrition) does neone do it?

    ok...i really want to do science (nutrition) next yr and i was wondering if ne of u guys have done it...or have done ne of the subjects in it i.e. chem, bio,maths for life sciences, psyc...and is it easy to get a credit average in each subject??? coz i know in science (nutrition), u have to get...