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  1. T


    i got 81/100 for legal 79/100 for business 76/100 for software design and development 71/100 for ipt 79/100 for english standard 71/100 for maths standard and i got a 30 or less uai. Is this a mistake? cause it has shattered me, and im shocked as too why i did soo poorly in the uai
  2. T


    Going to schoolies soon, however my gf thinks i will cheat on her up there and deems it unfair that i will be up there doing that and that she can't do anything in the mean time . Before i am goign up i want to spend as much time as possible before i go, but she wants to be with her friends...
  3. T


    I was wondering that if i wanted to become a shrink would i have to just go through the psychology course or would have to do something else on top of it like human biology?