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  1. vi9ilante


    Hey guys, in lecture today, the guy pulled out that overhead and said 'if you're doing any of these courses, then u shouldnt be doing COMP115..." did i hear him right? i thought the opposite was sed yesterday?-ppl on that list was suppose to be in COMP115. i'm doing actst/eco
  2. vi9ilante

    waddup with actuarial+eco?

    Heys guys wassup.. i was wondering, there's so many talk abt all the actuarial courses, except for BComm-ActSt & BEco, the dble degree. is it good to do? im doing it this yr and would greatly appreciate if guys fill me in abt it. like wut are ur thoughts on it, level of difficulty etc etc...
  3. vi9ilante many of you guys finish ur exams with FULL bladders?!?! many of u tried to play hero like me nd went in the exam without letting it all out first? ...BIG mistake, i was gooone at the end of the exams T_T
  4. vi9ilante

    Physics Practical! [TRIALS]

    Sup guys, my trials are comin up (term 3 wk 3+4) and we have a physics prac. worth 20%... So i just wanted to ask how many of u have done a phys prac. this year (HSC) and what was it? Or can any of youse guess wat mine may be? Or any common ones they may set? Thanks in advance!!
  5. vi9ilante

    2004 Australian Budget Analysis

  6. vi9ilante

    Ancient History 2000

    Hey, do any of you have the answers to the ancient history 2000 paper, im looking for one particular question. Or can neone direct me to some sources where i can find solutions (good ones preferably) of ne sort?! Peace up A Town!