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  1. F

    The Middle East - Israel, Palestine, Islam etc

    I'm not sure if I am the only one who has noticed this, but there has been a massive proliferation in the number of threads pertaining to the Middle East. Either supporters of Israel attempting to attack Arab ideas and related issues, or supporters of Arabic nations attacking the USA and Israel...
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    ALP Leadership vote for Monday

    This may becombined with the election thread, however Kim Beazely has stated that he will end speculation with a vote on Monday, after Rudd declared his intentions...,23599,20850605-2,00.html Your thoughts?
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    Politics and Experience

    A question that has been posed quite frequently is that of the relative experience of politicians. Do they possess the life experience to fully understand the nature of society and the policy approaches that should be adopted? Even on the face value of the biographical information available...
  4. F

    Arrests as anti-G20 turns violent,23599,20779055-2,00.html All these ferals do is diminish the message behind their so-called 'cause'.. An excuse to create 'anarchy' and attempt to rule the streets in my opinion. If it were a bunch of drunk caucasian males acting in this way over a football...
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    8 Year Old Girl Murdered

    The most distressing part of this story for the police, and probably the judiciary, was that a sexual assault case in relation to another 8 year old female against the alleged offender, was dismissed due the inadmissibility of the admission made by this grub. Detectives were alleged to have...
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    Beaconsfield Mine- Union official

    Currently, Bill Shorten and the AWU is up in arms over the safety issues surrounding the mine, acting as the workers saviour and negotiator. The late Richard Carleton reported that there were safety concerns at the mine, before the whole drama occurred. Something which was fobbed off by mine...
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    The rationale behind Brogdens Proposals

    Thursday 25th August- Courtesy NSW Liberal Leader John Brogden today announced the Liberal/Nationals Coalition economic and government reform program to make New South Wales Number One Again. “The reform program will begin to tackle Labor’s high taxing regime by...
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    Carr announces $8bn railway project I have one word for this master plan.... 'Spin'
  9. F

    Crime Statistics

    From what I've gathered through my study, the newly released Crime Statistics that the Government has so proudly promoted seem to be an insufficient measure. The figures imply that crime in Sydney is steadily falling, however I would undoubtedly believe that the levels of unreported crime must...
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    Republic and Constituion/Common Law

    Republic and Constitution/Common Law Just a question primarily to those doing law.... If Australia was ever to become a Republic, how would this affect current constitution and/or the common law system that exists within our country...??? Any thoughts appreciated
  11. F

    New Vehicle

    New Vehicle- Bob Carr Theres a new vehicle on the motor market. Its called the Bob Carr. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Once you put your foot on the accelerator all it does is spin!
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    Pracs and Tutes

    Just wondering if Practicals and tutes are running in the first week ofuni (week startin 28th)
  13. F

    The 2007 NSW election- cynicism

    There is this growing cynicism amongst the people of NSW that regardless of which political party is in power that the same problems will exist in the same key areas of policy, so why change? The main concern with this assumption is that as the Federal Labor party were, the NSW Opposition is...
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    B Policing 2005

    Howdy, Just interested in clarifying which members of this forum are intending to undertake the B Policing in 2005. Im attempting to guage the locations etc of these people as well... Cheers :D
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    Aligned Mark?

    How can we work out an estimate of our aligned mark: A) without paying for a standards CD B) from our raw marks the whole sytem is stupid
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    can anyone estimate my UAI please... its all too complicated

    these are my current raw marks (including trial) Eng Advanced: 86% (3rd) Mathematics: 85% (1st) Modern Hist: 93% (1st) Economics: 87% (2nd) Biology: 85% (2nd) any assistance and advice on mark improvements would be handy n.b my school is in top 100