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  1. lorikeet

    Bos Is Killing My Hsc!!

    I am making a pledge not to come on BOS until after my exams. discuss. LOL
  2. lorikeet

    AVOCA 08 anyone?

    Can I expect to see any of you at some rad beach parties? edit: by rad I don't necessarily mean rad.
  3. lorikeet

    Proportion of Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

    "From a pool of 12 million Jews (0.2% of the world’s population) there are 178 Nobel Prize winners which works out to 2 out of every 1,000 people. From a pool of 1.4 billion Muslims (20% of the world’s population) there are 9 Nobel Prize winners which works out to 2 out of every 10 people."...
  4. lorikeet

    B Arts (Languages) and B arts/B education

    I'm planning on coming to Sydney next year to do one of these courses... I want to teach English and French after school, so you'd think that'd mean I'd do b arts/b edu BUT I like the sound of B arts (languages), as you get to really specialise in your language as well as in other arts...
  5. lorikeet

    EE1 CSSA trial thoughts.... what'd you think? I did module C, not sure if the whole paper had this, but I thought giving a picture and a quote/idea was a bit limiting for creative writing, but oh well, did what I could. Otherwise, pretty good!
  6. lorikeet

    Rankings in small classes....

    If I;m ranked first in all my classes, but half of them have less than 5 people, does internal ranking really have much of a bearing? Like I know usually the top ranking person recieves the top exam mark, but does that still apply when there's 3 people? or 2 lol?
  7. lorikeet

    Where Can I Get A Model For B.o.w??

    I'm doing photography as part of my body of work and I need a model! It's not going to be nude as such, they can wear skin coloured undies and a strapless bra, but I want someone who's body is really unremarkable, normal, and doesn't take the focus away from the bags I've made (don't ask lol)...
  8. lorikeet

    JOURNEYS creative writing

    Hey everybody, just out of interest, what have you decided to do for the journeys creative writing section of the exam? That is if you've decided already... and if you're actually going to pre plan it....
  9. lorikeet

    Time to vent about english texts and uniforms!

    Hello! This is for my English Extension 2 critical piece research. Don't bother answering once term 2 2008 has started. Please answer all questions (it's really short) and don't skimp on details! Try to avoid one or two word answers (If you don't want other people to see your answers for some...