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  1. Silverwolf

    Checking if one value is divisable by another

    Everything else for my major is finished, except for this last little bit of one of my modules that I simply can't figure out :S. I need the module to check wether or not Num01 is divisable by Num02. I spent the last 2 school weeks fiddling around with various methods and nothing seemed to...
  2. Silverwolf

    need help with VB coding for major

    This is what I have; If optDive = True Then lblNum1.Caption = Empty lblNum2.Caption = Empty lblNum1.Caption = Int((100 - 1) * Rnd + 1) lblNum2.Caption = Int((10 - 1) * Rnd + 1) End If I need the program to check if Num1 / Num2 gives an answer that includes...