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  1. psyfre

    Racing Games

    Antyhing to do with racing games all platforms: All time top racing games Reviews Previews Whats hot etc etc.. Two hot games i been reading about are GTR: FIA GT Racing Game and rFactor
  2. psyfre

    The Kings of Entertainment: The Rat Pack

    If you want to get a worth while cd, buy a Rat Pack cd from one of their live shows at the Sands and if you want some actual good music - get any cd from deany, franky, crosby etc etc. They truly were the Kings of Entertainment. I dedicate this post to the Rat Pack.
  3. psyfre


    !!:DGo UWS:D!!
  4. psyfre

    Channel [V]

    iv alrdy made a post about this the other board but was just wondering wat ppl think of the new vj on channel v Danny...
  5. psyfre

    Uni Holidays

    How long do uni holidays go for??
  6. psyfre

    Communication peeps

    I thought we could discus this stupuuuuddd approaches to com class presentation thing we have to in week 6 i think - any1 done anythn yet for any week?
  7. psyfre


    I went today - What.A.Joke. I rang up yesterday asking if it was rly necessary to go cause i alrdy had somthn important to go to. And the lady said yeaaaaa - so i was like pfft, fine il come. What did i get out of it you say? Nothing..ow wait - one of the lecturers name is Antonio and i...