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  1. aiz


    wtf IS it? define + example plees
  2. aiz

    bstudies formulae

    hi, im currently doing prelim and our school hasn't taught us any bstudies formulae/charts(?). i think we pretty much skipped that bit.. should i study for that or will these be covered in yr 12? we're currently up to topic 4 - business plan btw: is writing a business report similar or...
  3. aiz

    rough estimate please :E

    does anyone know how long it'd take to finish a 485 pg. general maths book? (prelim) ** i suck at maths, btw. i plan to spend 8~10+ hrs a day on this so if anyone has an estimate that'd be great. eg 2 months, 3 months, etc... if anyone has any tips for me on successfully completing this...
  4. aiz

    quick question

    the difference between diffusion/osmosis is: diffusion: high > low concentration osmosis: high > low concentration through a membrane am i right? teacher said something different so i'm just confirming. thanks!
  5. aiz

    'bad' words

    is it acceptable to use profanities in english e.g. quotes? not general writing of course.. thanks!
  6. aiz

    how long would it take you

    to know a whole topic for a certain subject back-to-front? and how many hours a day of study/revision? just curious!
  7. aiz

    studying + music

    i don't understand how people can study while listening to music.. what kind of music do you listen to? + do you think it's more effective? why?