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  1. B

    Conics Question

    Find the equation of the tangent at P(a,b) on H: x^2/3 - y^2/2 =1 i) if h,k are the intercepts made by this tangent on the coordinates axes, show that 3/h^2 - 3/k^2 =1 ii) If the lenth of the perpendicular from the origin O to this tangent is p and OP = r show that 1/p^2 = (r^2 - 1)/6...
  2. B

    Trials 2004

    Hey everyone ... pretty soon you all will be getting your trial hsc marks back - post them here! I was also wondering how much does physics scale for marks you get that are over 90. :o :o :o
  3. B

    Trials 2004

    Hey everyone ... pretty soon you all will be getting your trial hsc marks back - post them here! I was also wondering how much does physics scale for marks you get that are over 90. :o :o :o
  4. B

    Question about Double Degrees

    Hey! Im in the process of choosing what course i want to do at university. and what catches my eye is Science/commerce combined degree. I was just wondering how much more work it is compared to a single degree and is it ALOT harder? Timewise is it also very demanding? Oh yeah - i also want...
  5. B

    First Hand Investigation

    Hey i need help with my chemistry (obviously) first hand investigation. the task is...: To investigate the effect on reaction rates of one of the following factors: - temperature - concentration - size of solid particles any suggestion on what i should do? thanx :)