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    in a Supreme/High Court, would the rulings of lower courts be irrelevent as precedent?
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    HELP HELP!!! US gun laws question

    im applying for a law scholarship and i really need some help with the question ive been asked to give a presentation on. the question is: "Following yet another shooting in the USA - this time at Viriginia Tech in April 2007 - should the US Supereme Court interpret the 2nd Amendment to...
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    Where for Arts/Law

    first question: which unis are good for B Arts? second question: which unis have a good law degree?
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    Gender studies

    hey! can anyone give me an idea of wots involved in gender studies?
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    v for vendetta

    does anyone have any notes for v for vendetta (the movie)? or kno where i could get some? thanks :D
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    does ne1 hav 1984 notes?

    the title pretty much says it all, im wondering if anyone has 1984 notes that they would be so generous as to share?!?!
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    [help] using indicators to test pH of coke

    how do i use indicators to test the pH of substances which are already coloured such as coke?
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    please help me!!!

    uh. im doing this assignment and it says that antiseptic wipes have a pH range of 5.4 - 5.6. but i have no idea how that works! how can something have a range of pH? does that mean that any given sample could have a pH of 5.45 or 5.53, etc, etc, etc? or does it mean something more sneaky and...
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    what is the equilibrium constant?

    i kno its something to do with K and that its concentrations of products divided by reactants or something. but wot it is actually telling u?
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    using indicators to find pH

    ive been told that the pH range of antacid is 8.7-8.9 and ive been given a whole list of indicators and the pH range at which they change colours, and i have to use a combination of these indicators to produce a strategy to accurately determine the pH of antacid. im pretty much lost on all...