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  1. S

    Throwim Way Leg && Golden Age

    It seems that this isn't a very popular set of books to study and i can't find any info on them...anyone with anything please post here for everyone else who is having trouble...thanks
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    Powerplay websites.

    Hey guys, i have an assignment for english for the powerplay module and i am having trouble.......We need 3 govt. websites from around the world and i amn having trouble finding some that are actually interesting....if of any of you can help or have a similar assignment your help will be...
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    Fuck Buddies-How to get one

    I know that fuck buddy threads have been done before but i thought we needed a fresh topic....How do you get one or how do you go about getting one? :bomb:
  4. S

    HELP please!

    I need help finding texts about journeys that can fit on one page [like a cover or an extract] for use in a major assignment. If anyone can help or even just tell me what sort of texts you are doing it would be greatly appreciated! If you want you can add me on msn messenger...
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    Journeys texts...anybody got any for me.....HELP!

    Hey guys, i'm new to the site and i've gotta say its pretty awesome. I thought that i would take advantage of it and ask for the good help of fellow sufferers. I need help finding texts about journeys that can fit on one page [like a cover or an extract] for use in a major assignment. If anyone...