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  1. T

    Unconventional ways of rejecting people.

    Hey, this thread is for you to express your creativity! Let it run wild. What are some unconventional ways to reject one you are not attracted to?
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    How do I know if he's gay?

    I have a crush on a guy, but my seventh sense tells me he may be gay. At first I didn't think so. He talks in a female tone (not that his voice is high-pitched, he just talks like a girl lives inside), and he works out at the gym a lot (he's got huge arm muscles), talks about famous brands...
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    Why do asian girls love ABC guys but asian guys don't love ABC girls as much?

    Why do asian girls love ABC guys but asian guys don't love ABC girls as much? Feel free to answer this if you've got experience. Thanks! FYI: ABC = American/Australian-Born-Chinese
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    Does a girl look more beautiful when she's in love?

    what do u think?
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    Food that taste better raw than cooked

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    Would you date you?

    If you were someone else..
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    Is finding a job you love -- Unrealistic?

    I understand that most people do not enjoy what they do for a living. But is doing what you love near impossible?
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    Celebrities that look ALIKE

    Which two (or more) celebrities do you think look alike? Probably obvious, but one example is:
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    If a person really loves you

    he/she will remember the things you said, like your birthday, how you like your steak, why you prefer this to that,..etc. TRUE/FALSE?
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    Claw 2201

    How hard is it? (only to people who actually did this subject please) rate. 10=hardest It'd be best if you can explain why you think it's easy/ok/hard. Is the workload huge?