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  1. L

    General solution

    Find the general solution of sin3x = sin2x. :karate:
  2. L

    Need some help!

    Like usual I have a few questions I can't do. 1. Given that x = asin(nt+α), find v as a function of time (<--this part i can do). Find a, n and α if a>0, n>0, 0≤α<2pi and: a) the period is 6 seconds, and initially x=0 and v=5. 2. Particle moving in S.H.M. has period pi/2 seconds...
  3. L

    I have poor integration skills, give me a hand

    Hiya. Just lazing about doing some motion questions. Need to integrate the following: Int. 1 + logex dx Cheerios.
  4. L

    Make "x" the subject

    I'm doing motion questions and I need to express "x" in terms of "t". t = 0.5loge(2x-1) Some help?
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    Graphing using graphmatica/ graphing programs

    hey guys I'm trying to figure out how to graph y = -4e-4t using a graphing program. I'm obviously doing something wrong because an error box appears. THanks
  6. L

    A wee little problem

    Hi guys, Atm I am a little confused with rates of change. Attached are a couple of questions (q6 and q7) which I have no idea. Ta.
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    Integration of trig functions

    Alright guys, I'm in need of a little help with this one: Integration of: sin3(2x)dx Here's what I've done: (the above integration) = Int. sin2(2x).sin(2x)dx = Int. sin2x(1-cos2(2x)) = Int. sin2x - sin2x.cos22x I've not a clue where to proceed from there. (p.s. how do you do the...
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    Algebra help

    Hi I'm doing a parametrics question. I seem to be stumped by some simple algebra, so I would appreciate some help. this is a proof q - the answer is: PS = a(p2+1) I am up to this stage (don't worry the below is correct, I checked worked answers, i just don't know how to get to the finished...
  9. L

    transformer Q

    "A battery charger is used to recharge 1.5V batteries through a 12V transformer. The transformer has 2400 turns in the primary coil. Assuming 100% efficiency, calculate: a) no. of turns in secondary coil (done, I got: 300) b) the output current if the input current is 10mA " Not sure with...
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    Lenz's Law question

    The following question came from Dot Point physics, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do these types. If anyone can tell me the answers and their rationale it would be greatly appreciated.
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    Heat of combustion

    We have to design an experiment to determine the heat of combustion of various fuels (e.g. methanol and another fuel) and carry out the experiment. I have no idea where to start. What would the experiment actually entail?
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    Visual metaphors vs. symbolism

    I am having trouble seeing the difference. How are they different. Anybody know?
  13. L

    Textbook with worked solutions?

    Anyboy here know of any textbook that contains thorough worked solutions (or at least many good examples)? I am sick of trying to find where i went wrong - usually wastes my time. (Cambridge and Fitz esp). I want a book that contains challenging questions also. Thank you.