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  1. A

    can i still get a 75+ atar

    i messed up big time in my term 1 and term 2 assessments... i dont know if i can still get at least a 75 atar since my ranks are really bad (also i dont know much about how scaling works) my marks (term 1 + term 2 combined), weighing an overall 45%: ancient history: 63%, rank 32/34 biology...
  2. A

    30 minute crime essay recommended word range?

    im only given 30 mins to write a crime essay.. how many words should i write?
  3. A

    could i still get a 90+ atar?

    im in yr 12 and i just got all of my term 1 assessment results back.... and i didnt do great results: ancient history - 60% biology - 70% english standard - 65% maths adv - 73% weightings: ancient history - 20% biology - 15% english standard - 20% maths adv - 25% i havent done my one...