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  1. sakinluvo

    Multimodal Help

    Hi guys, I was wondering on how to ace a multimodal that compares and analyses two pieces of text (I gotta make a multimodal about King Lear and Big Fish) that relates to Mod A, 'How and why do stories resonate with their audiences across time?.' I flopped in year 10 with my multimodal and...
  2. sakinluvo

    Should I drop to English Standard?

    Hi everyone, I just got my marks back for Adv English and got a 9/20 for the creative piece. Everyone around me is telling me to stay in advanced but I feel like I can't do it.
  3. sakinluvo

    Is it possible to study a terms worth of Maths for my test in 5 days?

    Hi everyone. Im doing Adv Maths and I have my first maths exam for yr 11 and I was wondering if its possible to do anything in these 5 days. I got mediocre on my topic test and apparently the test is much harder and im worried now. As stupid as the title might be, Is it possible to brush up my...
  4. sakinluvo

    hast exam help

    Hi all, I'm currently in year 10 planning to do selective to go for year 11. I'm nervous and have no clue what to study, my current marks are rather good as I only have a C in Pdhpe while I have a couple of extracurriculars to go off from. In all honesty, I feel like it's going to be hard and...