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  1. B

    Time Management

    Had my prelims for year 11 and felt very restrained on preparing for my yearlies. I was practically studying a day before the test and didn't have notes ready or I would have half done notes. Advice on how to best manage my time in preparation for Year 12?
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    Band 6 in English

    Currently i'm scraping 10-11/15's for my critical analysis and I want to know how I can improve my essays to really push for a 15/15? A problem i've noticed is that i'm not clear when i write so it's all over the place and i have troubles expressing my thoughts into words. Any advice on how...
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    How would i study for a prac? Would i just need to know aim, hypothesis, method, etc. Or do I have to know additional info and skills? It's on electrical energy in the home so it's highly likely it's on circuits.
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    How to fight procrastination and boost productivity?

    I procrastinate a lot. I leave things until last minute and I have the ideology that I need to spend more time resting than working. What could I do to get back into the habit of working hard?
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    Year 12

    Year 12 is creeping up and becoming closer and closer.. Obviously in Term 3 we have yearlies and Term 4 we start our HSC course. What ways can I improve now and to be properly prepared for Year 12? I'm unfortunately very lazy and don't have any motivation! :/
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    Neeed some advice! I got my 2u mark back and got 76%, was aiming for at least mid to high 80s so not good.. I'm lacking motivation to do any work! I want to get back into the mindset of doing work as i get it and being that student that is aiming to be better than last time. Any...
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    How to organize studying

    How should I organize my daily routine? What method and HOW? I have a job, two times a week. Tutor once a week on a Saturday. Extracurriculars - debating and soccer. Should i drop anything or how should I use my time more efficiently?
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    Writing Notes vs Dot Point

    idk if my title is even right but how should i write my notes? I want to do them as we go. Should i dedicated an hour a day to answering dot points from the syllabus? I want to use OneNote but how can i keep them in sync with my school laptop and home desktop? Are there any better ways...
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    What to do in the lead up to year 11?

    So the holidays are coming up. I'm in year 10 and I want advice on what to do to prepare myself for year 11. Some say it's not much and they're probably right but I get bored sometimes in the holidays so ya. I'm doing 3u maths, adv eng, physics, business, eco and pdhpe what should I do to...
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    Advice / Notes for Year 11 Physics?

    Starting Physics next year and would love a heads up!
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    Career Options

    I have subject selection very soon and i'm still deciding on which subjects I am to take. I don't know whether I should be going for the Engineering,medical or business field for my career path. Apart from business studies and economics I don't really have a love for a subject except for...
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    Subject Selection

    I'm currently deciding on my subjects for my senior years but I have faced a conundrum in picking subjects. I wouldn't call myself the best at any subject but I have and will work hard for my senior years. I'm currently deciding on: Maths X1 Eng Adv Physics PDHPE & Eco (I also want to do...
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    Help in maths

    I've been doing quite bad in maths this year. I'm currently receiving in the high 60's and 70's for maths and for my most recent half yearly I received 47%. I get tutored once a week but we often never have time to go over all the topics. My next common test is on next term so I want to lift up...
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    Time Management

    What is some advice in time-management and study and homework planning. As I play sports on the weekend and train throughout the week, I have plenty of spare time but I never know when (if that makes sense)?
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    History Exam Question

    What is the impact of the main technological changes over time in post-war Australia? Long-response.
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    Tips for applying for Sydney Boys?

    I'm currently in year 10 and I attend a partial-selective school. Grades haven't been the best, I play sports on the weekends and have achieved distinctions in past UNSW test papers. I have a sister that attends Sydney Girls and I am seeking advice on how to apply and receive a spot in the school?
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    I'm currently in year 10 and I have been lacking motivation for this past semester. Any advice on how to keep motivation up?
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    Work Experience

    I've been looking around for work experience where it i can learn something valuable. I'm interested in either Medicine, Engineering, Business or Law. Any places accepting or any uni's with a work experience scheme would be very helpful!