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  1. M

    50 shades of gay

    So I went to Thailand recently with my family, overall it was a fun holiday but something unexpected happened. I met a girl on about the second last day we were there, she said she liked me, and I kinda liked her too. Since my family was out we decided to go back to my hotel room, everything was...
  2. M

    James Ruse Controversy

    My biology teacher stated today that markers of the HSC Biology test don't like to mark papers from James Ruse because the students apparently always ask for extra sheets for additional writing space. This would be time consuming to the poor teachers. Is my teacher right in saying this?
  3. M

    Half yearly question

    So I had my maths test today. One of the questions had a scalene triangle ABC with side a=90cm and side b=120cm. Everything else was unknown. a) Find the size of angle A. b) Find the area of the triangle.
  4. M

    State Constitutional Convention

    Hi BoS, I am attending the convention on the 5th of November in Sydney (have to fly down at 6:30). The topic of discussion is - The Head of State, also the issues surrounding Australia becoming a Republic. Has anybody been to this in the past or are attending it this year?