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    Yeah so I didn't apply for EAS/didn't even know what the hell it was until I researched it being informed that I had recieved it. So would all my school of got it because we are a rural school or some shit, or could someone else have applied for me due to other problems and what not? And did...
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    ATAR Estimate Before Thursday!

    School Rank is unknown, as it wasn't in the whole last for 2010 for some reason. But we have a string cohort, and expect to be in the Top 450. Probably Top 400. These are my ranks/assessment marks/estimated raw marks. Adv. English- 20/36, 75 %, and 75 Modern History- 2/15, 84%, and 83 Ancient...
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    Completely Screwed?

    So I was looking at what said it was a "comprehensive list" of all the NSW schools ranks and my school happened to not be on the list tthat had 620 or so schools on it. So does that mean that my school just doesn't exist in relation to rankings? Like it is a new school and has only had 3 years...
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    I have applied for Burton and Garran Hall, but I was just wondering if this has Foxtel or not? Also is B&G better than Fenner Hall? Thanks. :)
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    Please estimate my ATAR

    So my school is ranked 350's-400's, but my year group is actually pretty good so I am assuming we will move up to about 300-325. Advanced English 20/36-80% all year, 82-86 in exam Ancient History 5/20-75% all year, 75-83 in exam Economics 3/5-75% all year, 82-88 in exam General Maths 8/82 85%...