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  1. C


    Theres 2 prescribed textbooks for this course Engineering Drawing + Sketchbook 7ED Manufacturing Engineering & Technology SI Units 6ed For those who have done mman1130, do we actually use/need these books?
  2. C


    Can anyone here tell me what this course is about? Since we dont have a final exam for this course, what are the assignments like? :S reports?I heard we have to do presentations as well :/ ...........................
  3. C

    1st year Physics lab

    how many labs are we allowed to miss? can we do catch up labs if our reason was 'i didnt hear my alarm' O:
  4. C

    Help for B ENG/Commerce

    I will be doing first year B ENG/Commerce. I know that i have to do 5 compulsory subjects and three Year 1 Electives totalling 18UOC. Any suggestions to which 3 electives should i take? Is it a good idea to take a commerce subject as a first year elective or just concentrate on engineering...