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  1. D

    Any advices for preparing for Industrial Design in UTS ??

    Hello. I'm becoming yr 12 next year and I have recently decided to plan to do industrial design in UTS (just my future planning).. I wanted to to do Architectures before, but after skimming over the core structures of architectures in universities, i just changed my mind to do industrial...
  2. D

    Hi ive got a question about ATAR

    hello im becoming yr 12 next year im planning to go to UTS and study architecture Ive researched some information and i need ATAR of about 90 or higher to get into the bechelor of design in architecture study. you know in yr 12, the grades are like A,B,c and so on. Im doing five subjects for...
  3. D

    Industrial Design VS Architecture

    Hey guys. It's my first time posting a thread on the site !! :cool: im currently in yr11 in SA After yr 12, Im planning to go on to uni in NSW and study either architect or industrial design n_n im local here but have no idea how applying to uni works... so i have some concerns about...