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  1. 1

    Making own study notes VS using BOS's

    Hey everyone, just wondering is it better/ more effective to 1. Make your own study Notes 2. Get them off the internet (BOS) 3. Buy a book e.g. Excel. Thanks all, all responses appreciated:) 12121231
  2. 1

    Math Question- Any response really appreciated

    Hey everyone:) There are these two math questions and I cant find an example in text book so can't figure out how to do. It's on equations and inequalities: Solve for X (X - 2)(2X + 1) < 0 and (3X + 4) (X -5 ) < 0 Please help guys. Thanks 12121231
  3. 1

    Legal Studies VS Economics

    Hey everyone, i have to pick one of these tomorrow and i have no idea which one would be better. Can someone please give me advice on which one is overall better?? Thanks, all responses appreciated 12121231
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    Do you you need ext Math to do well??

    Hey, I'm just doing 2 unit maths, advanced english, biology,chemistry and econics and business. Can I do well with that (like 90 +) or do I need extension math Sorry for asking just it has really been bugging me cause im not allowed to do extension maths. Just want to know if you guys think...