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  1. Stoogey

    Assassin's Creed 2

    Who's hyped...i know i am :haha: YouTube - Assassin's Creed 2 E3 Trailer Discuss...
  2. Stoogey

    The Unborn

    Saw it general, wasn't very good. A very very predictable thriller/horror movie, can be abit cheesy at times (as in typical horror movie cheesy) and i felt the storyline was abit jumpy as well for some reason...some good 'in your face-pop up out of nowhere scenes', and the chick was...
  3. Stoogey

    Fundamental Aim of Oz Legal System?

    Hey guys, Ive got an essay to do, and the question goes like this... Describe the fundamental aim of the Australian legal system and Discuss the way in which it is designed to provide justice for individuals and society with relation to the following: -The Rule of Law -Influences on...