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  1. P

    J Edgar Hoover URGENT

    hi, i was wondering whether anyone knows about hoover and how he dealt with the problem of immigration any websites would be really great. Thanks
  2. P

    1st majority case in nsw???

    hi, just wondering if anyone knows what the first case in nsw that was finalised in a maority verdict?
  3. P

    The Jury System established in NSW when???

    hi i was wondering if someone could please tell me when the jury system was first put into practice in NSW please and wat the first case was. also does anyone know when they changed the 11-1 instead of 12-0 please. thanks.
  4. P

    Battered Wife Syndrome (BWS) Assignment

    Hey, i was wondering whether anyone had done this topic in family before and if so could u possibly offer some tips on what i am supposed to talk bout please we hve been given the name heather osland but thats it any help would be great thanks
  5. P


    hey, i was wondering which subject you would choose for the hsc i currently have 14units and only want to do 12 or 13 max. The 2 subjects i am choosing from are physics and ext history. I currently do adv english, ext 1maths, legal studies, business studies, modern history and physics. Please...