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  1. D

    Induction question...

    Hey I have a difficult (for me anyway) induction question that I can't seem to solve. Can someone please help me out? Any help would be appreciated... I have typed up the steps that I can do so far... Word file attached.
  2. D

    Stationary Points Question

    Word file attatched. Any help would be appreciated thankyou...
  3. D

    physics question

    Hi all I have a difficult projectile question...Well i think so anyway... A gun has a muzzle velocity of 100m/s. What two angles of elevation could be used to hit a target 300m away? I have found the all the velocities etc. both horizontally and vertically but don't know how to find these...
  4. D

    3u unit test tomorrow!

    hey everyone i was just wondering if any of you have already done your 3u maths test?? mine is tomorrow! wish me luck :D
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    inequalities with the unknown in the denominator

    Can somebody please help me....I know I probably look like an idiot asking for help but i just can't work through the last step. I have attatched a .doc file and done most of the working there, I just need help with the last part. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. D

    mathematical induction

    does anyone else find induction completely pointless or is just me? its so boring to study anyone else have 3u maths tests coming up soon?
  7. D


    if you are struggling with calculus, especially maxima and minima, these are good to get you started.... thought it might help