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  1. !Melody~

    does nayone know any techniques that are used in this poem?

    Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) Ulysses 1 It little profits that an idle king, 2 By this still hearth, among these barren crags, 3 Match'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole 4 Unequal laws unto a savage race...
  2. !Melody~

    "Analyse the circumstances where stretching is not recommended"

    hey guys "Analyse the circumstances where stretching is not recommended" i can't think of when stretching is NOT recommended, and keep in mind the fact that it's an improving performance question not a sports medicine question so rehab doesn't come into it does it? cause i'm really confused...
  3. !Melody~

    2002 catholic trial need help

    hey, i can't seem to figure out how to answer question 26 (b) from the 2002 catholic paper Improving Performance 26 (b) The majority of research indicates that, ingeneral, stretching is benficial in improving performance, increasing flexibility and reducing injury risk. Analyse the...