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  1. Nerissa

    Criticism Needed for Proposal...10 drafts and counting...

    I desperately need help with my proposal. Now, I'm sure you've all rolled your eyes at help threads many, many times, perhaps assuming that people who write them are lazy and want others to do their work for them. This is NOT what I am expecting at all! To give you an idea of the kind of student...
  2. Nerissa

    Heart of Darkness and Thelma and Louise - Notes Trade

    Hi everyone! Have just started my holidays :D!! I hope you all survive your remaining days at school. Though I am planning to take a break, I also have this assessment task for Advanced English to complete...we have to collect a series of related texts and analyse their relevance to the concept...
  3. Nerissa

    Help Needed Re: Research For Project

    Hello to everyone! Am new to this board, so I'll make it short and sweet. I need help regarding my Independent Investigation - I am doing Spain's General Francisco Franco (as I am a Latina :rolleyes: (yes...I sad...but if your dad talked about it every night at dinner for 17 years...