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Sources analysis task for First Triumvirate's aims and responsibilities 25/25

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Assessment Task
here is my most recent assessment task about the fall of the roman republic (and julius caesar as well, but i think the first triumvirate is a bit more suited for fotrr)

interesting task since we were not supposed to answer the question, but evaluate sources which would be thought would be good to answer the question instead. and i wish i could add more to each source's description but since it was in a podcast form i had to condense everything so it could fit in the 6 minutes.

really glad i wasn't in the other ancient class in our school, this task was so much harder for them FDSFSDFSG

Task Overview – 30 marks
Students are to conduct an historical analysis and present it in a podcast format.

Task Description
• Research Podcast (25 marks)
• Visual Presentation (5 marks)

Part One: Research Podcast (25 marks)
• You are to research, prepare and deliver a presentation which analyses and evaluates the value and
limitations of 6 key sources that would be relevant to the following essay question:
o To what extent did the First Triumvirate fulfil its aims and responsibilities?
o To what extent did pharaohs use their building programs for both political and religious purposes
in this period?

• Note: You are not answering the essay question in your presentation, rather you must present on the
value and limitations of your 6 key sources that could be used in an essay, and why they could be useful in
answering the essay question.
• Your presentation will be recorded and submitted as a podcast of up to 6 minutes.
• It must be submitted as an *.mp3 file to Google Classroom with the other materials by the specified
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