Recent content by Zali

  1. Z


    Ok so im in england rite now n didnt expect 2 get any medicine offers any where let alone any scholarships but....... i got my first preferences everywhere and offered a MRBS at monash but didnt apply for it any where else. i really wanted to go to UNSW an got an unbonded offer but how do...
  2. Z

    People who did all 2 unit subjects

    yeah i did bio, chem, pdh, eng adv, 2Umaths 96.5
  3. Z

    UAI predictions- how accurate were we?

    JUAI= 95.75 SAM= 96.3 Actual= 96.5 pretty close. glad it under estimated tho, would of suked if i got my hopes up
  4. Z

    Rural Scheme for UNSW

    theres not many from coffs like 3 or 4 maybe but i dont no there marks. 1 girl did really wel in umat n got interviews everywhere but i dont no wat her UAI was like.
  5. Z

    Rural Scheme for UNSW

    i got an interview in october or wen ever the 1st round ones were. my umat was 173 n UAI prediction was 96-98. keep in mind tho that they also consider ure RRMA for interview and final selection
  6. Z

    Another EAS topic...

    she's rural, has a health care card n has been to more than 3 schools in two yrs or sumthing
  7. Z

    Another EAS topic...

    yeah my friend got a letter saying she gets 5 bonus points at usyd from them
  8. Z

    Yr 12 Chem (medicine)

    ha ha i think u mean James Cook. Charlse Sturt is Wagga Wagga western NSW n doesnt offer medicine.
  9. Z

    What time did u check

    i checked at about 7am when my friend rang me n made me get out of bed n chek them. I wasnt planning on doing it til 10.
  10. Z

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    I memorised n i got 90!! so happy way better than expected
  11. Z

    Highest Bio Marks??

    94 im stoked!!!
  12. Z

    PICIS and The Jakarta Declaration

    yeah i used SIPICE that way u remember the important words of each point
  13. Z

    Survivor39's Answer and Some Explantion to Multiple Choice Questions

    it didnt say it was a charged membrane plus thats getting into chemistry not bio. i agree both B and D are correct i think its going to depend on what the biological process it represents. i thought it was kidney dyalisis but i dont no if thats biological cos its artificial so i put B...
  14. Z


    yeah i said salty leaves was closer to water but i dont see why waxy needed to conserve water the high tide mark still reached his area. i said waxy was for salt exclusion where as exclusion wasnt sufficient for salty as it was constantly in contact with salt water so he needed to excrete salt.
  15. Z

    human story, out of syllabus

    the question was just confussing in the way it was written n because they gave us stimulus. there are 2 dot points in the sylabus that refer to models: outline and examine the evidence for the pattern of human migration and evolution based on; out of africa model theory of regional...