Recent content by vazzai8

  1. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    how long are you meant to talk for in interviews?
  2. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    did some people receive an offer on the spot after the interview?
  3. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    no i was just curious.. still hoping on that girraween offer
  4. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    how do you "mess up" an interview
  5. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    how likely is it to get an offer if you were chosen for an interview at a selective school?
  6. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    i have no idea... not sure if the school has said they'd notify those who didn't get an offer
  7. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    i thought the email was saying the interviews are being held between the 5th-15th of October?
  8. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    do we know which selective schools have given out interviews for yr11 entry 2022?
  9. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    thanks :) but that's alright, I was just trying to see if any other schools came out with offers because I'm a reserve for girra and praying that some people get offered a place at a higher ranked school XD bit selfish of me :/
  10. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    same, but is that the case?? genuine question btw HAHA I know normanhurst has their EXAM this friday :(
  11. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    so there's still a fair amt of the top schools like ruse/baulko and both of the sydney boys that haven't released their offers yet
  12. V

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    anyone know which high schools released offers for Year 11 2022 entry so far?
  13. V

    Fort Street and Girraween Portfolios, Reports and extra cirriculars

    any reserves from girra hear back from them about the progress of your application
  14. V

    Fort Street and Girraween Portfolios, Reports and extra cirriculars

    yeah i think the plan sounds alright in the sense that you know what subjects you need to focus on. i would suggest that 3 tutoring places for maths is a bit of an overkill?? I say overkill because you're a scholarship student so im assuming you would have a somewhat advanced understanding of...