Recent content by TaperJeanGirl

  1. TaperJeanGirl

    Wat's this mad song?

    It's called "My Number One" by Helena, if im not mistaken. Winner of 2005 Eurovision.
  2. TaperJeanGirl

    last 5 musical purchases.

    Van She - Van She EP The Presets - Beams Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary (this album is amazing) Brendan Benson - The Alternative to Love Broken Social Scene - Broken Social Scene
  3. TaperJeanGirl

    My Chemical Romance Ticket For Sale

    Yo, I have been struck down by illness and cannot attend next thursday's (15/12/05) MCR gig at the UNSW. It's all ages and I paid $40 for it, so I dont mind selling it for that price. If you're interested, pm me.
  4. TaperJeanGirl

    death cab for cutie

    I heart Soul Meets Body "If the silence takes you, then I hope it takes me too..."
  5. TaperJeanGirl

    sexiest people in music

    Beck Carlosseeee (Yeah, Liss, rock on!) Paul Banks There'll be more....
  6. TaperJeanGirl


    I wanted to (ie. Still do) But I have trials next week and it was a choice between the 'Pol and SR - I think it's clear who I chose. SR would be mad though, I've heard they're heaps good live. You going?
  7. TaperJeanGirl


    I got mad Carlos pics with my shitty little digital camera on Fri night, If I can be bothered scanning them, Ill post them here. Meanwhile, by all accounts I've heard that Friday's show was better (Yes! Makes me feel a bit better about not being able to make it on Sun) but I am so jealous...
  8. TaperJeanGirl


    Do either of you remember the setlist from last night?
  9. TaperJeanGirl


    Me too, my love. Me too! I WANT TO GO TO TONIGHT'S SHOW!!!!! Also, my setlist approximation above is missing Take You on A Cruise, I do believe! Forgive me, i think it was after Evil... I don't know now
  10. TaperJeanGirl


    Nooo! Length of Love? I totally love that song! I think they could have easily replaced Not Even Jail with the new or nyc or C'mere - i would've loved to hear C'mere! Were you by any chance up the front barriers near Carlos? Cause those people around me kept yelling for Song Seven....
  11. TaperJeanGirl


    I was a tad upset that they didn't play NYC. I wonder why - people who saw the setlist said it was on it, but crossed out... Hmmm. And, they soundchecked Specialist (I could hear it through the Enmore doors haha) i SO wish they could have played it! No complaints though!
  12. TaperJeanGirl


    Woohoo, fucking awesome night! My arms are bruised from holding onto the barrier so hard! I was a little upset at the setlist - Melbourne got Specialist, The New AND Obstacle 2.... Oh well, they played awesome and the crowd was really good. Paul was actually smiling a lot throughout the gig...
  13. TaperJeanGirl

    Life of Pi

    Yeah, I love it too, even if it was a little unsettling! I'm using it as additional material for the 'imaginative journey' haha. I'm probably the only person who believes that the cannibal story is the real one, and I guess the book didn't live up to its statement in making me believe in God...
  14. TaperJeanGirl

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    So whaddya all think about Harry and Ginny? I was always a Harry and Hermione kind of girl, but i liked their whole relationship thing. Except for the fact that it lasted like two pages!
  15. TaperJeanGirl

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    OK, so here goes my little summary...