Recent content by Tanya08

  1. Tanya08

    How much should I be studying a week? Yr 12

    Rofl Totally... an hour a week- 99.95 for sure! Depends on what you want (only read your question, not the whole thing :hat:) 99.95--> go nuts and revise, revise, revise. below 80--> don't do anything In between --> revise a bit each day, like two hours.
  2. Tanya08

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    I want something with law... Hopefully I get in to the one I applied for =) Hope every one gets what they want! :sun:
  3. Tanya08

    80 + atar?

    You basically have to be early eighties or higher to score within the 80+ range. I got in my 90s, and to get that I got mostly late eighties and one mid-90s. It really depends on your subs too, cos if you have something like chem, even getting 70s will scale you up to an extent. Good...
  4. Tanya08

    Sorry for offending you =) I was all in the zone and got a bit carried away, you know how it...

    Sorry for offending you =) I was all in the zone and got a bit carried away, you know how it goes downn :) Sorry!
  5. Tanya08

    Trial HSC results?

    WHAT Are you saying that I can't touch you as far as marks are concerned?! And how the hell did you thrash me overall? Also, I'm top five for most of my subjects. Get over yourself. That's disgusting. You only say that about Glaves because you're first. Know the facts, David. It's not...
  6. Tanya08

    Trial HSC results?

    Write bigger Like you can change your writing in five weeks. Just write bigger, it works. :rofl:
  7. Tanya08

    Trial HSC results?

    :rofl2: 1st maths :sun: 96% 1st biology 88% core- (my optional will surely bring me to mid 70s as i couldn't do the damn thing). 1st chemistry - :haha::haha::confused: 77% (chyyyyea we suck! Our average was like...shameful, and when I come first... let's just say that's a warning sign...
  8. Tanya08

    Does God exist?

    haha, the classic argument. Is there truly any point to argue His existence? By arguing, I assure you, everyone will just believe themselves more as opposed to being convinced of the contrary. Personally, though, yes. I believe God does indeed exist, simply for the fact all cannot be explained...
  9. Tanya08


    Okay, so you know that extension two english report? yeah, well what exactly are we expected to do in order to get 90+? Our stupid teacher (who only started teaching ex || this year) didn't give us jack all to work with so we're all like wtf? All my notification says is "explain the...
  10. Tanya08

    Michael Jackson Dead

    :eek: love,love,love you Michael.
  11. Tanya08


    :mad1:urgh My extension two teacher didn't even know what the course was ABOUT. It's her first year doing it and I have NO IDEA what to do in this report. :bomb: SCREWED
  12. Tanya08

    How did you go in your half yearlies?

    :mad1::mad1: i got: Maths 99% :) english advanced 68 :burn: english extension one 70:burn: English extension two- 86%:haha: Chemistry- 79%:mad1: Biology- 80% :mad1: Legal studies- 79%:mad1: Um... can I still get 90+ UAI ? CAN I?!
  13. Tanya08

    Online Biology study group

    Yes yes yes msn !
  14. Tanya08

    HSC and Family Pressure/Expectations

    Oh man, your parents are like wow to me. My 'rents are expectant like hell. Like if I lift my head up from the books and they catch me, it's like "um... wthell are you doing" I believe having more lenient parents lets you comfortably achieve... but then again... we all need to be pushed once...
  15. Tanya08

    What is your all time favourite book?

    Twilight....New Moon...Eclipse and (soon to be out) breaking Dawn ... it's a series... I'm pretty darn sure you've heard and read it already... if you haven't.... where have you been this year?? and it's going to be a movie to ... sure you all knew that too... like duh =) happy reading!