Recent content by swampdog!

  1. S

    Creative Writing

    Prepare the same as you would for an essay. Practice reading/writing creatively like you would analytically. Just do it enough that you get a sense for appropriate language and style. Then memorise key plot points like you would essay points.
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    3 bananas

    eat the bananas.
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    does anyone not drink

    yeah i had a suspicion after i posted that that you meant actual reproduction rather than sex itself. Look, I can understand where aus is coming from but I disagree with the way he's claimed that pretty much all people that binge drink turn out badly. The thing that's getting me is that...
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    The Greatest Book Ever Written

    grapes of wrath by mr steinbeck is my personal favourite
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    does anyone not drink

    Inferiority is implied when you say things like "they've shown no signs of change".. obviously as in they're lives are in some way wrong and should change to suit your expectations. I can understand if people are rowdy and annoying (or dole bludgers) that they impact on you and you have a...
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    does anyone not drink

    Funnily enough some people have a different set of priorities to you dipstick. Just because you see occupational prestige as the only way that your life can have worth or meaning doesn't mean it holds true for everyone. It's quite a sad thing that you're so insecure that you judge people that...
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    Drugs kill daughter, parents blame unscrupulous people for taking advantage of her

    Re: Drugs kill daughter, parents blame unscrupulous people for taking advantage of he Lol my original post wasn't even directed at you. I am glad that you can understand the dangers and make your own decision... but I was responding to the guy that just said: "it's illegal so it's wrong" not...
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    Drugs kill daughter, parents blame unscrupulous people for taking advantage of her

    Re: Drugs kill daughter, parents blame unscrupulous people for taking advantage of he yeah dude the fact that independent thought is stereotyped as being for hippies or dellusional teens mean that it's not credible at all...
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    Drugs kill daughter, parents blame unscrupulous people for taking advantage of her

    what? you can't justify the use of something because it's safer? wheras of course you can justify using something else because someone tells you it's ok? Justification comes from individual thought and reasoning, not arbitrary and mindless conformity.
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    Drugs kill daughter, parents blame unscrupulous people for taking advantage of her

    Re: Drugs kill daughter, parents blame unscrupulous people for taking advantage of he i would quite like to save one life per year...
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    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    "cheech and chong" is the worst film that has ever been made, no question. So much so it's almost worth watching just for novelty value.
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    does anyone not drink

    lol, well i'm pretty sure that it's pretty much non-toxic so it might be a bit difficult to overdose on. Then again you can overdose on water. I think you'd struggle to down the whole kilo though haha
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    does anyone not drink

    No you can be less certain about not having psychological side effects. About a quarter of users experience flash backs and prolonged psychological conditions are triggered in a couple in every thousand. You shouldn't feign that this is an entirely "safe" drug. Your same report identifies that...
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    does anyone not drink

    lol, well there you go. I have already suggested that LSD is less harmful to society than alcohol and acknowledge that in high quantities alcohol is also worse in effect. But the fact that LSD can trigger prolonged psychological effects from a small dosage no doubt means that it is potentially...
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    does anyone not drink

    yep Alcohol side effects = quantity related LSD side effects = not quantity related. I'm starting to think that because of this fact making an objective call on which is more harmful is a bit unrealistic. Pretty keen to ditch this line of conversation btw. Is getting dull. lol