Recent content by sunsettah

  1. S

    Your Picks for MH questions for 09 paper

    ahh thanks heaps! ha. yeah i wish i could just retain information ive learnt.. it doesnt happen for me..
  2. S

    Modern game

    I can't remember where i sourced it from, but mine says 'berlin's institute of technology' both acceptable, or what?
  3. S

    Modern game

    1933 - albert speer joins the nazi party. Help me :( For the GERMANY national study, what order did these things happen in: 1. Hyperinflation 2. Depression 3. Booming and provocative ecomony (run on short term loans) 4. Hitler's consolidation of rule of the Nazi party. 5. Stresemann's...
  4. S

    Your Picks for MH questions for 09 paper

    Help me :( For the GERMANY national study, what order did these things happen in, I can't bloody remember! 1. Hyperinflation 2. Depression 3. Booming and provocative ecomony (run on short term loans) 4. Hitler's consolidation of rule of the Nazi party. 5. Stresemann's policies helping...
  5. S

    Your Picks for MH questions for 09 paper

    pls pls source your info? troll? trickery?
  6. S

    how was it

    + 1 I was gunning on the write up of the bromine water prac... which is in it almost every year.. I even memorised the fermentaion prac - another fail!
  7. S

    not raging. and no one has cheated at my school. lol.

    not raging. and no one has cheated at my school. lol.
  8. S

    Your Picks for MH questions for 09 paper

    For Germany National Study, my teacher said they'll probably have you choose between a Weimar one and one about Nazi racial policy, or the army. Anyone agree?
  9. S

    not really aiming for any ATAR, as I haven't studied. I'm in on early entry, and am probably...

    not really aiming for any ATAR, as I haven't studied. I'm in on early entry, and am probably doing cert IV in nursing, which credits me (at this particular TAFE) into the second year of Bachelor of Nursing at Uni. Then I will do post grad work. I will probably work for a few years as an enrolled...
  10. S

    Your Picks for MH questions for 09 paper

    For CONFLICT IN EUROPE they're due to ask something on El Alamein (yes it's true, i dont even know how to spell it. i cannot write even one successful page on anything =] ha fail)
  11. S

    Belonging - 2 supp texts okay!

    last person, we know this. we're just saying that it did not have AT LEAST ONE, like it has in other years. They did this for a reason.
  12. S

    Belonging - 2 supp texts okay!

    In your answer refer to ONE related text. It does not say, 'at least ONE' If they wanted it to MEAN 'at least one' then they would have written that.. People are dumb...
  13. S

    Belonging - 2 supp texts okay!

    +2 One is for me, one is for Chuck Norris.
  14. S

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    I'm going to go ahead and quote myself. Because I've just got defensive reactionary answers coming out now. This quote is my argument.
  15. S

    Belonging - 2 supp texts okay!

    So was the article supporting the idea that only one related text is marked? Or supporting what the OP said?