Recent content by stellalivi

  1. S

    JOURNEYS creative writing

    I'm going with a Physical Journey piece because it is easier :) trials next week!
  2. S

    Eleanor Roosevelt PLZ HELP!!!!!

    Hii. i am also doing E.R. and need help as well! i have to write a written response plus have an oral ready too. pretty much screwed.
  3. S

    Love Problem... :(

    but no one bothers to write back there :( and Michael- good luck with your love problem :)
  4. S

    Love Problem... :(

    Haha okk so i finally figured out how to post a reply. woo. we're here to get information off this site, and then you start talking about your life... hahah interesting :) i need help with my modern essayyyy. help anyone? :)